
2007-09-17 8:07 am

回答 (6)

2007-09-17 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
well, i'm a form six student from a prominent EMI school and i've recently finished the HKCEE english under the latest syllabus. i've achived 5*, the highest possible grade, for my english language.

in my opinion, private english tutor may not be entirelly familiar with the new syllabus. as the number of students enrolling in tutorial centers are rising rapidly and less students choose to have a private tutor, most of them don't bother to study the new syllabus anymore. the one who know the new syllabus best are the students who've taken the examination themselves.

i'm currently helping out my cousin (f.4) with her english study, and i think she've made tremendous progress. my teaching method is quite on the alternative side, you don't need to drill on exercises over and over again for long periods of time. instead, you'll need to watch english series and movies and read chick-lit (girl's) novels... but i promise this is fun and at the same time work very well !! this is exactly how i got my 5* english result =] easy and fun.

if you're impressed by my standard of english in this passage, and is interested, you could contact me via mail or MSN: soupheidi@hotmail.com
my name is heidi =]
2007-10-02 8:28 am
his English really is good!!
2007-09-21 8:46 am
熟悉新課程而又係大學或以上學歷現今恐怕只有1,尖子 2,英文教師 3,補習天王 4,考試局/教統局人員, 如果要佢地幫你私人補習我認為合理時薪係$300或以上。

或者可以考慮下樓上自薦既heidi小姐, 不過其英文先要修改如下。
in my opinion, private english tutor(s) may not be entirelly (entirely) familiar with the new syllabus. as the number of students enrolling in tutorial centers are (is) rising rapidly and less (fewer) students choose to have a private tutor, most of them don't bother to study the new syllabus anymore. the one(s) who know the new syllabus best are the students who've taken the examination themselves.

i'm currently helping out my cousin (f.4) with her english study, and i think she've (she's) made tremendous progress. my teaching method is quite on the alternative side, you don't need to drill on exercises over and over again (cross out [again]) for long periods of time. instead, you'll need to watch english series and movies and read chick-lit (girl's) novels... but i promise this is fun and at the same time work(s) very well !! this is exactly how i got my 5* english result =] easy and fun.

if you're impressed by my standard of english in this passage, and is (are) interested, you could contact me via mail or MSN: soupheidi@hotmail.com

雖然有些瑕疵, 但呢篇英文都算好過好多香港學生 (從其5*級成績可知), 起碼會好過好多乜乜網站揾個d補習人員, 可以考慮下。
2007-09-19 5:40 pm
參考: 88db
2007-09-19 9:28 am

2007-09-18 2:34 am
要搵上門教英文的外籍導師係比較難搵,不過最近見到有個網站幾好,您可以去睇下,網址係www.languagemama.com ,除左英文之外,咩語言o既導師都有喎,最好就係可以睇啱邊個就搵邊個,唔使好似其他一般上門補習的網站咁等人安排囉,你可以試下,我覺得幾好用架

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