
2007-09-17 6:39 am
請問知唔知東京邊區比較多Blue label同agnes'b手錶及袋買, 我會去東京五天自由行, 去過日本朋友, 可否給意見呀, 我自已編了行程可否比d意見呀? 訂了華盛頓酒店,
最主要係shopping 同食嘢
第三天---橫濱(Bayside Marina Outlet) ---- 涉谷
請問以上安排可以嗎? 搭JR會否左轉右轉, 或者唔順路. 可否幫我執一執順路d或者車費無咁貴, 唔該晒!!!

回答 (2)

2007-09-17 12:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Day 1 :新宿
Day 2:築地 ( 在新宿乘大江户線《 棗紅色線 》往築地市場站出口 ) 返回山手線往 原宿 > 池袋 > 傍晚可經由新宿站坐JR 中央線《 紅色線》去吉祥寺,這裏晚上也多百貨店、食肆及店鋪。
Day 3 :涉谷 > 橫濱 (Bayside Marina Outlet) www.bayside-outlet.com > 中華街 ( 元町中華街站 ) > 晚行涉谷。建議在涉谷購 1 day pass 840円/位,注意坐深紅色線東橫特急,不要坐錯 '急行' 或 '各駅停車' 涉谷 to 橫濱 and 元町中華街 25 mins. 全程共8 站。
Day 4 :秋葉原 > 上野 > 御殿場 > 六本木或赤羽橋 ( 鉄塔夜景 )
Day 5 :新宿 > 機場返港
築地網址:www.tsukiji-market.o r.jp

在你路經地均有 Blue label and agnes'b 衣服及袋買,錶就不為意,建議收集所有會到之店址,价錢公价,但記往帶 passport 辨退稅,參考網址:http://www.burberry-bluelabel.com/store/kanto.html 銀座店為最齊全選擇多及港人 fans 最多,男裝較女裝為多些,4 /F 有限定 items for men, B1為 Blue label. 如想到可在築地後到,外築地乘日比谷線(灰色線)於銀座站出。
至於agnes'b 分店很多,我到過台場、新宿、涉谷及吉祥寺分店,各店大致上貨品差不多,也是公价。http://www.agnesb.com/front/japan.jsp
吉祥寺店在0101 丸井百貨公司內。www.0101.co.jp
參考: me
2007-09-17 7:19 pm
Blue label同agnes'b can be bought at large department store at 池袋 e.g. Seibu, 0101, Tobu and Parco. 新宿 e.g. Isetan, Keio.

If you take 9am plane, then you probably arrive Tokyo at 2p.m. Including check in time, you may start your shopping at around 4-5p.m. but all shopping mall in Tokyo closed quite early, like 8-9p.m. and you also need to have dinner. So most probably you can't shop much in 新宿 on the first day. In fact I suggest you to go to 新宿 again on third day.

Ok, take an early breakfast at 築地 but you may need to queue. Most shops at 原宿 open at 10-11am. You should have enough time for shopping today.

You shouldn't expect too much for the outlet at 橫濱. Most products are quite outdated though you may spend time on finding good products with low price~ So I suggest you to go back 新宿 and 涉谷 to shop~

御殿場 is far away from city centre, you'd better only choose one outlet to go. And it should be too too rush to go to 秋葉原----上野---御殿場---吉祥寺 on the same day. 吉祥寺 is worth visiting, with many shopping malls and you may find agnes b and blue label here as well! The products variety may be greater than 新宿 as not many visitors go there to buy~
秋葉原 and 上野 are on the same side but 吉祥寺 is on the other side, you may need 45 mins travelling time~

I think you should get a Metro and JR map of tokyo (normally find on the travel guide book) and then plan to go places close to each other in order to save money and time~

I can tell you that 新宿,原宿 and 涉谷 are close to each other
If you go to 吉祥寺, you will passby 涉谷
秋葉原 and上野 are quite near

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