
2007-09-17 6:26 am

回答 (5)

2007-09-18 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Stratovarius-Eagleheart,hunting high and low
these two song are about we should find and follow our dream
2007-09-28 3:21 am
有!有michael jackson既{On The Line}


No sense pretending its over 不必假裝它己過去
Hard times just don't go away 艱難的時間並不會離開
You gotta take that chip off your shoulder 你必須把這些的從你的肩膀移開
It's time you open up 是時侯你要打開一些信念
Have some faith

Nothing good ever comes easy 並無好的事那麼容易來到
All good things come in due time 所有好東西會在適當的時侯來臨
Yes it does 是的 它會
You gotta have something to believe in 你必須在某些事情要相信
I'm telling you to open your mind 我告訴你知 要張開你的心

Gotta put your heart on the line 必須把你的心事陳述出來
If you wanna make it right 如你想使它不偏不倚
You've got to reach out and try 你需要伸出並嘗試
Gotta put your heart on the line 必須把你的心事陳述出來
If you wanna make it right 如你想使它不偏不倚
Gotta put it all on the line 必須全部的陳述出來

You see yourself in the mirror 你在鏡子中看見自己
And you don't like what you see 你看見的並不是你喜歡的
And things aren't getting much clearer 及事情並不夠清楚
Don't you think it's time you go for a change 難道你不知道是時侯你要去改變嗎
Don't waste your time on the past, no... no.... 不要為過去的事而浪費你的時間
It's time you look to the future 這時侯你應展望將來
It's all right there if you ask 這是對的 假使你會問
This time if you try much harder 今次假使你需要付出更大的努力去嘗試
You'll be the best that you can be 盡你的能力 你會做到最好
If you wanna make it right 如果你想令它正確
If you wanna do it now 如果你想就現在去做
You gotta learn to try 你必須去學習嘗試
You can make it right somehow 你總要使它變成正確
Let love come free 讓愛釋放出來
And that's just so easy now 及現在正好變得容易
You gotta go for what you want
You gotta do what you got to do

msn:[email protected]

參考: 香港!MICHAEL JACKSON 論壇.. !!http://www.armbell.com/michaeljackson3
2007-09-21 3:37 am
When you believe---Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
Hero---Mariah Carey
參考: me
2007-09-17 6:48 am
Micheal Jackson- Heal the world
2007-09-17 6:30 am
Maray Carie-Hero

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