我對rutherford"s gold foil scattering exp. 有好多問題 a

2007-09-17 6:02 am
我對rutherford"s gold foil scattering exp. 有好多問題 a
我唔明點解大多數alpha particle 係冇deflction
講左咁耐...我都唔知個exp. ge結果係咩野...
anyone can help me...T^T

回答 (2)

2007-09-17 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 我唔明點解大多數alpha particle 係冇deflction
This result shows that there is plenty of empty space between gold atoms. Since an atom is neutral, alpha particles encounter no electrical force and hence have no deflection.
Q: 但係點解有小小0數會有ge?
These small number of alpha particles penetrate through the electronic shells of the gold atoms and encounter electrostatic repulsive force given by the positive charged nucleus. Thus deflecting the particles at large angles.
Q: 我都唔知個exp. ge結果係咩野...

The overall result is that the negatively charged elctrons are not embedded evenly in the positively charged nucleus of an atom as postulated in the early atomic model. In fact, electrons are entirely separated from the postively charged nucleus and are revolving round the nuclues.
2007-09-17 6:43 am

atom只得中間小小地方是"物質質", 稱為nucleus核心. 其餘都是細到粒芝麻的electron電子.

故大大粒的alpha可以輕易地撞開electrons繼續行, 冇deflection出現.

但若果alpha咁好彩撞正(或者hi到下)個atom的nucleus, 米會有deflection出現.

所以這實驗幫助我們認識到atom的structure是怎樣, 只不過當我們學atomic structure時沒有提及.

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