help me解釋[[[20分]]]

2007-09-17 5:18 am
"should pet shops face curbs on the sale of antibiotics(抗生素)"
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回答 (3)

2007-09-17 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

because the pet have to take them to prevent them from having the sickness again.
because it is required.
because the shop keeper has to keep them healthy.
because....諗唔到....= =

because the pet owner will buy the wrong medicine
because the pet owner don't know how much they should use on their pet.
because if the pet take too much antibiotics, maybe they will have other sickness.
because if the pet owner ask the shop keepers, which they are not professional enough for the answer, the pet will be in trouble.
參考: Yahoo! Dictionary and ME
2007-09-17 5:32 am
應該寵愛商店臉方面的控制抗生素 (抗生素)的售賣"
而且提供點 (5 個)!!
2007-09-17 5:26 am

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