A question about grammar

2007-09-17 3:29 am
'There is 2 apples, which is green.'
'There is 2 apples, which are green.'
Which one is correct? Why?
You can answer in Chinese or simple English.

another sentence: "Who like eating apples?" "Who likes eating apples?" Which is correct? Why?

回答 (3)

2007-09-17 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are two apples which are green.

2007-09-16 19:34:26 補充:
因為有兩個蘋果,是眾數(plural form),所以是There are作開始。因為所指是兩個蘋果均為green,所以在連接詞which之後要用are.

2007-09-18 00:38:26 補充:
Who like eating apples? Who likes eating apples?Both are correct because " who " can act as a single form (單數) and a plural form (眾數). Therefore, it depends (視乎情況).

2007-09-18 00:50:12 補充:
Eg.1 If the teacher ask the class (全班同學), she should say:Who like eating apples? 誰(咁多位)喜歡吃蘋果?(不會假定只有一人喜歡)Eg.2 If there are not many repliers, one can say:Who likes eating apples? 誰(邊一位)喜歡吃蘋果?(人少少,先假定得一人喜歡也無不可)
2007-09-17 3:51 am
There are two apples which are green because two is more then 1.
參考: ME
2007-09-17 3:40 am
There are 2 apples which are green.

Because "2 apples" is 複數 not單數.

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