我將會養狼狗, 想問清楚多D野...

2007-09-17 1:28 am
本人將會養一隻狼狗, 想清楚多D野做足準備, 麻煩大家幫幫忙...
狼狗仔, 歲幾
1. 佢咁大個, 帶去返屋企驚好難教佢去廁所, 有咩提議?
2. 帶到佢返黎係咪應用要帶佢去醫生度做身體檢查? 另外應該帶佢去寵物店清潔消毒定自己幫佢沖涼?
3. 應該餵咩類型(乾糧/肉罐頭/其他)食物俾佢食? 份量同次數?
4. 邊種牌子食物, 清潔用品較合適狼狗?
5. 需裝置的用品?
6. 帶佢返黎幾耐就可以帶佢去街?
7. 因為佢之前有另一個人養緊隻狗, 隻狗會唔會認定上手先係佢主人, 唔認我地?有咩方法?

回答 (3)

2007-09-20 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案



1)狼狗是比較聰明的﹐一般教幾次已經識得。如果家裡某些地方可以做它的廁所﹐你可以帶它去﹐自己定一些口令﹐例如﹐“pi pi ", 等它去廁所﹐或者在它吃完飯後兩小時﹐叫佢去那個地方。我覺得一兩個星期應該識得。

2) 身體檢查可以做。寵物店不是消毒﹐都係沖涼者﹐建議在寵物店做﹐比較徹底些。

3) 餵乾糧可以了﹐如餵了肉罐頭﹐吃過太鮮味的東西﹐會很嘴刁的。份量是根據它的體重了決定的。買的夠糧包裝上面有說明的了。幼犬一天兩次﹐早、晚。

4) 去寵物店問喇﹗

5) Choker(鐵的﹐可收緊的那種)、一米以下的粗身狗繩﹐不要用小型犬的、可放長幾米的幼身那種。狗水兜兩個。狗刷子﹐梳毛和去flea 的各一。

6) 隨時。
2007-09-21 8:21 am
你都要心理準備- -"

2007-09-21 00:30:01 補充:
在大部分人的心目中,德國牧羊犬是一種很兇猛的犬種。事實上,德國牧羊犬並不是一個好鬥的打架者,當然這也許是因 為它很心高氣傲,對於它認為對它不怎麼構成威脅的物件,它可以只用眼角來掃視。但假如需要的話,它也是一個勇敢的、猛烈的攻擊者。在與人的關係中,它不僅 僅給人一點兒感情,同時,它的自尊心很強,易於懷疑陌生人,但一旦建立了友誼,那是終生都不會變的。

2007-09-21 00:30:14 補充:
在前蘇聯曾經有那麼一個故事,一位退伍軍人帶著一隻退伍的德國牧羊犬回到戰後的故土,一天他在街上被一位追蹤的間諜在暗處槍殺了,隨後趕來的德國牧羊犬隱 隱約約的聽到了謀殺者的歡呼聲音,當時關心主人的德國牧羊犬並沒有馬上追敵而是向路人呼救。但這位退伍軍人還是不治身亡,牧羊犬也被他的戰友收養。多年後 這只幾乎老掉牙的德國牧羊犬在跟隨它的第二任主人在街上散步時,忽然猛然撲向一位說話的路人並毫不猶豫的把它“哢喳”掉,在員警檢驗死者身份的時候發現, 該死者是多年前謀殺該狼犬第一位主人的間諜。

2007-09-21 00:30:26 補充:
2007-09-18 12:00 am
I can only answer a few questions

I have a Shetland sheepdog which I bought to home from an NGO at 1.5 year old. I also feared he would be difficult to learn toilet and not loyal to me. However the first day he came to my home, he already knew he should not toilet at home and would only toliet on street. He also immediately developed strong bond to me, following me everywhere I go. I hired a part time maid to take care of him at daytime when I am at work. However I found that whenever I am at home, the maid cannot take him onto street as he is reluctant to leave me.

For your questions:
1. From what I have heard, some adult dogs are difficult to teach toileting. If your dog has been kept by other people, it should be easy as the previous master usually already taught it toileting. If not, u will need much more patience to teach it. Same techniques as small dogs, take it to the place you want it to toilet until it really toilet there, scold it if you can spot it toileting at wrong place and immediately move it to correct place, do not scold it if you can only find the excreta but to remove the excreta as soon as possible. (P.S. Large dogs usually will not toilet at home, so probably it won't be too difficult to teach but u need to take it out everyday for 2 times at least).

2. I took my dog immediately to pet shop for shaving all hair and bathing because he was so smelly and dirty, and also took it to see vet within one week for check-up. I think it is best for you to do so, coz skin disease is common for stray dogs.

3-5. Haha sorry i dont have experience in German Shephard. But for food the usual recommendation is less fresh meat / can food and more dry food, better for their teeth.

6. I think it is ok if you take it to street immediately. I did so for my Shetland sheepdog. U can also see whether it is willing to toilet on street. If yes, it would probably be easy to teach

7. I dont know the condition of your dog. If it has been a stray dog for some time, it will develop strong bond to you very soon, as in my case. If not, then you have to give more patience. But i think dogs are very spiritual animals and one day it will know you have saved him and loved him. Just pay more time to him, play with him everyday, groom him everyday, give him a big hug everyday.

BTW, avoid saying goodbye if you leave for work. He would be afraid of being left again. Just pretend nothing happening when you leave it. Best if there is always people at home.

Wish you and your dog enjoy happy new life!
參考: My own experience

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