
2007-09-16 10:07 pm
我想問開xanga個時佢話:[很抱歉! 根據您輸入的資料﹐您的條件不能夠讓您加入會員。
] 人地話要過13碎先開得 但係我已經較到去93年以上 都仲係唔得......
定係唔係lee個問題 係d帳號長短慨問題呢!!!???

回答 (1)

✔ 最佳答案
he said:
Sorry! Based on the information you provided, you are not eligible to register for a new account.!


1. 申請xanga
如果唔係就會有Sorry! Based on the information you provided, you are not eligible to register for a new account.....哩句出現

CREATE ACCOUNT(free!)<--免費登記
Choose Username<---打你想要的網名 (3個字以上)
Choose Password<--打密碼
Verify Password<---再打多次密碼for確認
Your Email<--電郵
Code You See Below (?)<---打下面畫中的字
Date of Birth<--打年月日(最好打過18yrs old)
I agree to Xanga Terms of Use <---按v
按creat account

~i hope these information can help you~

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