
2007-09-16 8:54 pm
The learning of English is not easy for most peoplein hong kong.what do you think about this is based on your own experience,write an article of 200words about the learning of English.

Here are some hints for your writing
1.What is main reason for you to study English.
2.What are the diffculites when you are studying English.
3.Do you have any good suggestions for learning English effectively and efficiently?

回答 (3)

2007-09-16 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think that I am a good English learner. But Cancuk seemed to be interested in my expression ability in English. I would not like to let Canuck, such kindness friend, down, so I write some experience to improve English after graduation. In fact, there are so many friends here,who post their articles on the board, their English levels are higher than me. So my experience is just reference to you.

Firstly, I want to claim that the system of teaching English of school is not good for non-native English learner. I only knew how to read English and translate English article into Chinese. The main task of English lesson seems how to corret grammar mistakes. The ways to learn English are all passive ways. So we just accept all kinds English knowleges but use them. That is the worst point.

Secondly, I want to talk about the language's action. In fact, mastering English seems to be so hard that lots of learners feel pains when they think of English. So the motivation to study it is just because of pushing out of exam or going abroad. If you don't like to to do something. it is hard to imagine that you will do it best. In my views,the basic point is wrong opinion about language's action. The reason that we learn English is not in order to pass exams, not for master thousands words. The real action of language is a tool to communicate between different natives. The real reason to study language is just to master a tool to communicate. So after we leave school and exams, we should be clear this point first. Then you will get motivation as well as good ways to improve your passive school English, that only can meet examsa but communicate, the basic action of master language.

Thirdly, after you are clear the main task to study English, you need to change your ideas about studying. There are so many methods to study English. You may puzzle which one is best. I think that it depends on what way you like to do. I just introduce the way that I study as reference. Of course, I declare it first that it may be suit for you and not suit for you.

Many people knew Liyang as well as his crazy English. Yes, I like his way to study English in crazy way. The real milestone to study English for me is to crack English through Liyang's way. I won't introduce Liyang's studying way. You can get it everywhere. Most bookstores keep it a lot. Just follow liyang's way, I recited many many useful sentences on the way between my home and office. After that, I could not find chance to communicate with foreigners. Then I try to find some friends who like to communicate in English. Of course, most of them are Chinese too. The best way is to write emails in English. It is cheap and useful. Because the content of email can be involved in many many fields. Life, work, feeling, hobby and what you like to talk. Of course, the partner that you write should be better English learner than you. You will be lucky if he or she is native English speaker. In fact, I did not know that there were so much English resources on web. I just went to some English joke web to see English jokes. Now I know hongen, it is a real good place to practice English. The question about how to find a good partner to communicate with in English sounds a dumb question. You can find them in chatting room if you have not ones around you. Also find them in English class if you take some English course part time. At least, you can find a good English learner at English salon here beyond native English speakers, just like dearly Canuck.
2008-11-02 5:11 pm
睇頭果段, 覺得你係copy and paste 囉, 都唔係自己作= ="

2007-09-16 9:14 pm
Hong Kong is a multi-cutural country. Hong Kong is also an international business country which most of the business people are using English as their communicated language. Therefore, Knowing how to speak and write fluent english is very important to us. As my personal opinion, there are few menthods for learning how to speak/write English. The first menthod is to read more. Once you read more english novels or magazines, it can definately improve the vocabularies. The second menthod is to listen more. Watch more english chanel such as reality show or series can definately improve your listening of English. The thrid menthod is to talk more. Try to speak more and practice more, this can definately improve your speaking of English. Once you follow these 3 menthods of learning English, you should be able to speak/write/listen English with no problem.

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