The following processes as either phy. or chem. change(HELP)

2007-09-16 8:35 pm
The following processes as either physical or chemical change.
In each case, explain your answer.
a. Sublimation of iodine salt
b. Formation of common salt from sea water
c. Burbing a candle
d. When sugar is strongly heated, it changes from white to black
e. Eat antacid to neutralize excess acid in our stomach
f. Separate nitrogen from the liquid air by fractional distillation
g .When copper metal is heated by Bunsen flame, it changes from reddish brown to black

回答 (2)

2007-09-16 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Physical change. Because no new substances are formed, it is the change of state.

Physical change. Because salt is originally present in sea water, when sea water is evaporated, salt is left. No new substances are formed.

Chemical change. Fire is produced (Not very sure)

Chemical change. Because reaction is taken place to change the colour of sugar.
i.e. a compound is formed

Chemical change. Because neutralization is a process involving reaction.

Physical change. Because no new substances are formed, it involves the change of state only.

Chemical change. Because copper has reacted with oxygen to form a compound, which is black in colour.
2007-09-16 10:42 pm
a. Sublimation of iodine salt
-phy. change
-only the phyical state of iodine salt has changed. the salt hasn't changed to any other substances

b. Formation of common salt from sea water
-are u referring to crystallization??- phy.change - water is evaporated to form crystalized salt. chemical properties remain unchanged

c. Burning a candle(not quite sure)
-phy. change
-wax is melted. no other substances are formed.

d. When sugar is strongly heated, it changes from white to black
-chem change
-the black solid is carbon. u know sugar is formed by C,H and O compound? since heating causes the formation of C, it means that the chemical properties of sugar have changed

e. Eat antacid to neutralize excess acid in our stomach
-chem. change
-antiacid means alkalis. adding alkalis to acid is a process called neutalization. salt and water is formed during this process. since other substances are formed, it indicated that the chemical properties of the reactants have changed

f. Separate nitrogen from the liquid air by fractional distillation
-phy. change
-the physical state of nitrogen has changed but not its chemical properties.

g .When copper metal is heated by Bunsen flame, it changes from reddish brown to black
-chem. change
-during heating, copper (reddish brown) changes to copper(II) oxide(black).

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