
2007-09-16 7:09 pm
I like animals,especially dogs . our family have been[1]pets for years.
Jeff, a large brown dog,is our family's favourite.We all[2]him as our close friend and he also sees[3] as part of our family.
You many not belive it but it is true that dogs do [4]emotions and tempers. I remember when Jeff was[5]nine months old ,one day all of us went shopping and left him home [6]

He was so unhappy and felt being betrayed that he probbly[7]his temper.He almost tore the sofa[8]pieces to show us his anger.When we[9]home,we were all shocked.Mother was furious.She stared[10]Jeff and gave him a good talk.


What was [11] amazing is that Jeff seemed to feel guilty.He apologized.He followed my mother closely [12]the day,licked her hand softly and swayed his [13] .Mother was still very angry and she refused[14]pat him.


Jaffwas so upset that he did himself [15] his kennel.And we found that there were [16] in his eyes.All our hearts melted and of couse,mother forgave him. Another time when mother fell [17],he justsat[18]her bed watching her the whole dat and occasionally put his foreleg into mothet's palm.


Jeff is now a fully-grown dog.He's not only good friend but also mother's helping[19]You know what ?Mother[20]him shopping whenever it is possible.

回答 (3)

2007-09-16 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) raising
2) treat
3) himself
4) have
5) only
6) alone
2007-09-16 7:19 pm
1) keeping

4) have

5) about

That's all i can think of, hope i can help you
2007-09-16 7:16 pm
1. raising
2. treat
3. himself
4. have
5. about
6. alone

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