Redox equation

2007-09-16 6:56 pm
Al + MnO4 ----> MnO2 + Al(OH)4-

Please show the steps because I am new to this.

回答 (1)

2007-09-16 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
is it a really redox reaction....
you can simply notice that both sides' electrons haven't balanced....
also the left hand side don't have any H atom...
from my view, i think the reaction should be...

Al + MnO4 + H2 + e- ----> Mn02 + (Al(OH)4)-
after balanced
Al + MnO4 + 2H2 + e- -----> MnO2 + (Al(OH)4)-

i hope it is correct since I am not very gd of this but I am try my best to help you~^^
參考: myself

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