
2007-09-16 5:19 pm
1. Present Simple

2.Present Continuous

3.Present Perfect

4. Past Simple

5. Past Continuous

6. Past prefect

呢d tense 係點用嫁??


回答 (2)

2007-09-16 5:37 pm
§ Future Prefect Tense

will ( shall ) have + 動詞的過去分詞


※ 圖示:

過去 現在 將來
│ │
future perfect simple present (simple future)

We will have completed the work before you come.
※「你來」在將來發生,應用 "You will come" ( Simple Future ) ,
但習慣上卻用 "You come" ( Simple Present ) 來代替。
"Simple present tense in form but Simple future in meaning"
He will have studied English for five years by the end
of next month.

* "by the end of next month" 稱「時間短語」"Phrase of time",

We will have played ball when you come.
或 when you come, we will have played ball.
When I have taken my supper, I will take a walk with you.
※「我吃完晚餐」在將來完成,應用 Future Perfect Tense,
但可以用 Present Prefect Tense 代替。
" Present perfect tense in form but future perfect tense in meaning."
After I take my supper, I will take a walk with you.
※若用 "After" 一詞,則可以用 Simple Present Tense 來代替。
"Simple present tense in form but present perfect tense in meaning."

He says that he will have graduated from a university
before you return home.
1. Simple Present Tense
主動語態: I teach him.

被動語態: He is taught by me.

2. Present Continuous Tense
主動語態: I am teaching him.

被動語態: He is being taught by me.

3. Present Perfect Tense
主動語態: I have taught him.

被動語態: He has been taught by me.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
主動語態: I have been teaching him for a week.

被動語態: 缺

5. Simple Past Tense
主動語態: I taught him yesterday.

被動語態: He was taught by me yesterday.

6. Past Continuous Tense
主動語態: I was teaching him when you came.

被動語態: He was being taught by me when you came.

7. Past Perfect Tense
主動語態: I had taught him before you came.

被動語態: He had been taught by me before you came.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
主動語態: I had been teaching him an hour before you came.

被動語態: 缺

9. Simple Future Tense
主動語態: I shall teach him tomorrow.

被動語態: He will be taught by me tomorrow.

10. Future Continuous Tense
主動語態: I shall be teaching him when you come.

被動語態: 缺

11. Future Perfect Tense
主動語態: I shall have taught him before the sun sets.

被動語態: He will have been taught by me before the sun sets.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
主動語態: I shall have been teaching him for an hour before
the sun sets.

被動語態: 缺


主動語態: I am looking for you.

被動語態: You are being looked for by me.

* "look" 不及物動詞,加 "for" 成及物, "look for" 解作「找尋」。

主動語態: I sleep.﹝正確﹞

被動語態: I am slept.﹝錯誤﹞

* 不及物動詞沒有被動語態。

主動語態: We must do it now.

被動語態: It must be done ( by us ) now.

※ 如果句子中有這類助動詞,那麼動詞的被動語態的形態是:

助動詞 + BE + 動詞的過去分詞

※ 在不引起誤解的情況下, "by us" 有時可省去。

主動語態: You can do it now.

被動語態: It can be done by you now.

主動語態: I gave him a book.

被動語態: He was given a book by me.

※ 如果有兩個賓語,通常代表人的間接賓語變為主語,另一個保留
不動,稱為「保留賓語」Retained Object。
※ 不過,也可以把直接賓語變為主語。

主動語態: I gave him a book.

被動語態: A book was given him by me.

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