富士通note book出現藍色畫面

2007-09-16 11:58 am
我買了部富士通note book約一個月,本身係512RM,加多左一"擊",唔知點解最近部機關唔到機,一按關機或重新開機,部機load左陣,就會變成藍色畫面,仲有o的白色唔知咩符號!仲有,就算有時開得耐唔熄機都會出現呢個情況!一變左藍色後,只要我輕輕按一下部機個關機掣就能關機!唔知點解部機會變成咁!


Thank you very much!

回答 (2)

2007-09-16 1:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
maybe your windows inside the notebook got trouble.
u can try to reinstall the window 1st
keep住出現藍色畫面, the only way to turn it off is to 按關機掣
or stop the current supply(disconnect the current cable from transformer)
actually it 唔會令部機易壞.
參考: me
2007-09-16 1:49 pm
I think is your RAM...Try to unplug one,and leave it run as 512 see if it works...
it happened to mind lasttime and i found out that my new ram is not working well

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