
2007-09-16 10:57 am


回答 (4)

2007-09-16 12:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Translation according to my knowledge:

I am so glad to attend this class.
The new term has begun for two weeks.
During these period, I have got to know many friends and teachers.
I would like to express (表達) my gratitude (謝意) to Ms./Mr. Mak and Ms./Mr. Man who have taught me lots of life principles (信條/原則).

2007-09-16 16:53:52 補充:
Tks for the pinpointing by San!During this period... I will bear in mind.

2007-09-17 19:41:53 補充:
Tks for the full support & adoption in person by Anonymity ! Tks other replier San as well !
2007-09-16 5:44 pm
I quite happy may enter to one class. Began school all had two weeks/. Is two weeks binds the surface I to realize to many friend whelps and teacher. I thought specially many thanks Mr./Mrs. Mai and Mr./Mrs. Wen teaches to know my very many life truth.
參考: website
2007-09-16 4:46 pm
I am happy to be allowed to class. The school has two weeks up / .. of this two weeks to meet a lot of friends I know Aberdeen and teachers. In particular, I would like to thank Mr teachers and cultural teacher, I know the reason a lot of life.
參考: me
2007-09-16 4:06 pm
I'm so happy that i can be in this class, it's been two weeks since school started/.. I've met a lot of friends and teachers during these two weeks, I'm much obliged to Mr/Ms Mak and Man who have taught me life principles.

Also wanted to correct some grammar mistakes of eppie7788's paragraph.

During these period...
[During this period or during these periods]

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