measurment calculation

2007-09-16 9:29 am
A smaple of iron pellets weighs 23.0 g and has a density of 7.86 g/cm^3. How mch volume do the pellets occupy in cubic millimeters? can someone show the whole step how to calculate it too? thank you~

回答 (2)

2007-09-16 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Volume * density = mass
Volume = mass / density
= 23 / 7.86 cm^3
= 2.9262 cm^3
= 2.9262 mm^3 * 10^3
= 2926.2 mm^3
參考: My knowledge
2007-09-22 3:11 am
Volume = mass / density

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