Help! About to be a good leader (20marks will be given)

2007-09-16 6:34 am
1. Which characters of a good leader can you develop? 2. What are the development plans?

*Answer in English. And it is a must to answer completely and clearly. Thanks a lot for your help!

回答 (1)

2007-09-16 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Which characters of a good leader can you develop?
Ans: In general (一般來說), a good leader have special charisma (魅力) so as to proceed (進行) the co-ordination (協調), to make decision and to conclude the summarization (總結). These kinds of nature can help to develop the ability of discipline (紀律), observation (觀察力), reaction (反應) to deal with contingency (應變) and a strong sense of responsibility.
2. What are the development plans?
Ans: The development plans to manage a school magazine. The school has never had a magazine to report (報導) the news and stories in the school. Thus, why not to work out one? We can organize (組織) a team of reporters and editors on our own.

2007-09-17 19:48:11 補充:
Tks for the full support & adoption in person by ENG00853 ! Certainly, at your service. I will bear your name in mind.
參考: My opinions 是否你想要的東西?

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