
2007-09-16 6:15 am
小弟係2005年中用屋企地址注冊左一間有限公司, 並委託某會計師行作為公司秘書.
但是, 公司一直以來都沒有運作過.
最近, 會計師行打來話要俾錢做一盤數(審計) 俾稅局睇.
小弟覺得疑惑, 究竟是否真的需要做番一盤數俾稅局睇?

回答 (2)

2007-09-17 10:34 pm
If your company is dormant or loss making, you just need to file a notice to IRD.

However, it will depend on whether there is no activities at all. If it's a property investment company and you receive rent, that will be different story.
2007-09-17 2:23 am
Some non-professional audit firm only ask for your money and do nothing! Beware!You can call IRD directly for asking the details of non-doing business company. Don't trust auditor too much! Some are very bad and with very bad ethics!


One of the director use his own company to make profit and ask the staff of the partner 's accounting firm to do his client job. But there is no any income for his partner company , all the money go into this bad director pocket!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:02:15
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