請問 +RW、-RW、-R 、+R、RAM 有甚麼分別?

2007-09-16 5:19 am
請問 +RW、-RW、-R 、+R、RAM 有甚麼分別?

回答 (2)

2007-09-25 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
有以下分別: +RW 可重寫格式,要'清洗'就可重寫;'+' 為電腦主要使用
-RW 可重寫格式,要'清洗'就可重寫;'-' 為電器主要使用e.g.影碟機* +R 可寫入DVD格式,WORM,(同一位置)只可寫一次 -R 可寫入DVD格式; WORM,(同一位置)只可寫一次 RAM 可重寫格式; 似HDD用,不用'清洗'就可重寫;但較貴;access time 快,

WORM=write once read many
參考: 個人經驗
2007-09-16 1:48 pm
RW = read and write
- can read and burn CDs
R = read only
- can only read CD

*note: the +, - indicates which CDs can be read
ex. if ur computer is -R, then your computer can only read CDs that are "-"

RAM = random access memory
-temporary workspace = u use this space for working with different programs such as word, excel... the more tasks you do, the more RAM is needed

( hope i didn't confuse you ^^)
參考: self

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