有關中六物理科問題 (20分)

2007-09-16 3:25 am
本人是中六生,揀咗物理科來讀。本人聽人講話al物理課程有很多都會用到a-maths。但本人中四五冇讀a-maths。 請問要識邊d a-maths的東西?如果本人現在學番,會唔會太遲。 各位朋友,可否給予一些意見和建議? 感謝

回答 (5)

2007-09-16 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
我之前都係無讀過A. Maths,連M&S 都無讀過

比較著重明唔明白同清唔清楚d concept ~
而家Phy既課程對於A. Maths既認知已經無之前咁多。

有關A. Maths都只係某幾條公式 , X公式使用differentiation(微分)之後會變左Y公式
例如 : 4 π r³ (球體體積) "d"完會變成 4 π r ² (球體面積)  (當然AL phy唔係計依d ... )

因為修Physics的人,大多數都會選修埋Pure Maths,
一個修Pure Maths的學生是綽綽有餘的

有咩唔明再寄信問我啦 =]

2007-09-16 00:58:35 補充:
而家Phy既課程對於A. Maths既認知已經無之前 *要求* 咁多。加番「要求」
參考: 本人是F.7 AL Phy學生
2007-09-16 8:51 am
冇讀A maths唔緊要,
會考Maths 有C 或以上,再勤力d就可以應乎。
2007-09-16 8:16 am
A Maths的微分最好溫習一下, 其他的不需要.

雖然AL PHYS不需用微分計數, 因有化簡了的公式可用, 但LQ & Essay題不時會叫大家推算這些公式.

若果不明推算過程, 只是死背, 較難吸收. 很難再重寫推算過程出來.

另一方面, 微分不難.

2007-09-16 3:39 am
A.Maths exam tips(hope it can help you) :

1.Understand each topics' concepts !
2.remember as many useful formulae as possible !
3.Practise as many questions as possible ! Write as many blank paper as you can ! ( Do past
papers is better than do book exercises ! )
4.Whenever has questions please ask as soon as possible before it is too late !
5.It's important to know the correct methods , if u can know the quick method that's even better !
6.Try not to guess what's the topics will have in CE , instead , try to make yourself familiarise
and understand all the topics !
7.Avoid as many careless mistakes as possible !
8.Remember to bring calculator in the exam centre !
2007-09-16 3:30 am
因為有好多要用a-math既野最後會用公式取代,所以a-math既野宜家唔洗學,以後都唔需要!只係一d 用a-math證明既理論你唔知佢做緊咩姐,但係最後果d理論都會化成公式!所以你唔洗擔心! 而唔會o係phy叫你用a-math計野!!

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