Working holiday visa (Australia)

2007-09-16 2:13 am
有幾條關於working holiday visa (澳洲)既問題

1. 我想問有冇人會帶notebook去架???

2. 如果我唔帶notebook去,咁用數碼相機影左d相可以點處理,冇電腦可以save低,但講緊係去一年,一定會影好多相。

3. 有冇d咩書可以推介我買黎睇?

4. 有d咩物品係一定要係香港帶過去的?


回答 (3)

2007-09-21 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案

我都plan緊呢個行程, 諗住自己去...share吓啦...

1 & 2 作為一個backpacker, 基本上冇人會suggest 你帶notebook去, 因為你唔知會同咩人一齊住, 有被偷既危險, 而且你諗住周圍去玩, 有一樣咁名貴既野0係身, 都心掛掛啦...0個邊d hostel, cafe都會有電腦, 好似都幾平的, 唔駛擔心

3. 有過來人推介呢本書比我: 浪盪澳洲365天 (歐泳櫸著) 我都睇緊, 不過佢真係好流浪feel囉, 踩單車穿州過省咁, 都幾危險, 不過可以reference一下佢recommend for stay的地方
Lonely Planet: 我買左繁體版, 天地圖書特價 $240, 不過我見到旺角d上樓書店賣$200有找

4. 我都問緊....加油, 我personal都有好多問題...唉, 有興趣email我, 大家傾下...
[email protected]
2007-09-18 9:50 am
唔帶notebook .帶 hard drive , then you can go to Internet cafe and transfer your photoes.

Sunglasses , swimsuit , (actually both you can buy in Aus , but you do need them)

remember to bring :
- ear cleaner/digger (they really dun have it here)

If you are going to work in Aus, maybe you should bring a pair of black shoes, coz most job requires them, and depends on what job you gonna take up, if more formal , maybe you'll need white shirt and blank pants as well. A pair of black shoes will cost you approx AUS $ 40+ in here (Very cheap brand)
Anyway , good luck with your journey :]

ps.i m in Aus too
參考: me
2007-09-16 2:25 am
參考: 我現在是在澳洲

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