2007-09-16 1:36 am
where they live ,when did they live,when did they die,how did they die,do they live alone ,can they fly or swim

回答 (2)

2007-09-17 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some of them live in the ground and some of them live in the seas.
They live in the Triassic period(三疊紀)(248000000-28000000 years ago),Jurassic Period
(侏羅紀 )(210000000-140000000years ago) and the Cretaceous period(白堊紀)(140000000-65000000years ago)
They die at the end of the Cretaceous period
The scientist guess they may be killed by aerolites(隕石),comets(彗星),orogenesis(造山運動), volcanic eruptions or the change of climate etc.
They live with each other
Some of them can fly like pterosaurs(翼龍) and Some of them can swim like plesaurus(蛇頸龍)
2007-09-16 6:22 am
they live in everywhere
they live in many years ago
they all died in about 65 million years ago
they died in catastrophic extinction event.
they don't live alone
some dinosaur can fly or swim
參考: some by wiki

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