想傳教, 學日文到日本好定學韓文到韓國好?

2007-09-16 1:29 am
記得2005年世貿在香港舉行時天主教陳日君主教身旁有位操流利廣東話的韓國神父嗎?我佩服他來香港才學了5年便能夠說很流利廣東話. 他提議我學比較容易上手的韓文去韓國傳教好過學文法多又難的日文到日本傳教.而且在韓國天主教的影響力好大, 不知道日本的天主教氣氛怎樣?請給意見?

回答 (2)

2007-09-16 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Said it in your pray and put it in God's hand. Trust God because He will lead you through.
If it is God's will for you to preach in any place of this world, it doesn't matter whether you know the language of that place, or whether it is difficult to learn that language, or the people there are oppressive.

2007-09-18 02:48:54 補充:
l think it is not a problem of money because in the church where nekoinu816 will go (Japan or Korea) there are lots of sisters and brothers who will teach him/her that language.
2007-09-16 7:40 am
其實之前我係yahoo度揾度個賣日文教材(書冊連光碟)的公司, 如果您剛開始學日文, 可以買一的教材自學先, 一來唔洗一開始就比幾千蚊人地, 二來你可以睇下自己係咪真係有興趣先.

佢的書全部都有光碟跟埋, 跟住學都好易上手, 到真係有興趣再上堂都未遲lor! 你睇下呢個 site 啦…



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