20分丫!!! my favourite food!!

2007-09-16 12:55 am
用my favourite food !!要100字..
唔好用好探ge英文!! 我唔要作香蕉..thx 20分嫁

回答 (3)

2007-09-29 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are many food in the world. For example, fish, cheese, cake and dessert. However, I would like to introduce a type of special food. It is my favourite food--- (Your favourite food, Let mushroom as an example) .Do you know why I like the mushroom best? I think you may not know. The reason I like the mushroom is the fresh tasty. It is very sweet when you are grinding. Many people think that mushroom is a cheap, general food. I totally disagree with that. Since we mix the mushroom with the rice to eat. There will be very delicious which is hard to describe the feeling.

All in all, I think mushroom is the best food in the world. I like to eat mushroom in dinner. I wonder that the taste of other type of mushroom. I think they are also very tasty when we are eating the mushroom.

You can just change the adjective as you change your favourite food. You can briefly describe the tasty in the mouth. Also, you can suggest the food to your schoolmates too.

Hope can help you ( :
2007-09-16 4:32 am
There's lot's of food in the world!And lots of style of food, like Chinese style ,there's Dim Sum,,like the fettuccine(意大利寬麵條;扁平細麵條).Japanese style , Oh the yummy sushi . And the USA ,there's hambuger...Let's me tell you what is my favourite!
My favourite food is sushi .You know what? Sushi is yummy!You can eat sushi with wasabi , Soy sauce.It's fantastic.Sushi is a very special food in Janpan.Beside sushi , there're also other delicious food in Japan ,like udon ...But I think the most yummyis sushi.
So, if you have time,try it,you'll like it.
2007-09-16 1:03 am
Every people have their own favourite food.Do you wanna know my favourite food?My favourite food is fruit.I like all fruits.Do you know how come i like fruits?It's sweet.It's healthy.Each fruit has its own shape ,taste and nutrient.I have many choice.My favourite food is fruits.What is your favourite food?

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