(20)英文書+英文電影 eg: Harry Potter

2007-09-16 12:40 am
書: Harry Potter
電影:Harry Potter


回答 (3)

2007-09-16 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Film + Book

Lord of the Rings

Da Vinci's Code

Jurassic Park

Space jam

Charlie and the chocolate factory

These are the one i read and i think they are good

2007-09-16 05:34:16 補充:
The Perfect Storm

2007-09-16 05:40:18 補充:
The Day after Tomorrow
參考: meself
2007-09-16 5:44 am
The Lord of the Rings 魔戒
The Da Vinci Code 達文西密碼
Harry Potter 哈利波特
i,Robot 智能叛變
Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園
Conversation with God 與神對話
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
Pride & Prejudice 傲慢與偏見
The Devil Wears Prada 穿Prada的惡魔
參考: me
2007-09-16 12:54 am
書:The Search 松林少年的追尋

電影:Resident Evil: Extinction 惡靈古堡3:大滅絕

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