
2007-09-15 9:46 pm
我係香港人, 而家o係new zealand 讀書, 男朋友澳洲人. 想問申請邊個visa 最快可以拿到aust citizenship. 我知有個叫spouse visa and perspective marriage visa. 咁應該結婚先or apply for the PMV 之後到aust 結婚? 我o係某d site見到話如果攪spouse visa 要結婚一年後先可apply, 係咪真? 咁hand it form 後要幾耐先可以俾我過aust? 我要係邊度hand it form? interview 會問咩question? thanks

回答 (1)

2007-09-18 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I had ask about it from the local agent(imean in sydney). They said that it would be batter to marry here than other countries. The best way you can do is apply for the visa for marry in Australia. but make sure you have also hand in the intend to marriage form together. After you have married to your boyfriend here. You can start to apply for the citizenship. Normally, it will take a year to process. Theyy will give you a bridge visa to stay in australia at the mean time until the procees was done.
During the interview, they will ask some very personal question about your partner. A future plan is also needed to be provided.
參考: me

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