
2007-09-15 8:39 pm
The article:
In 1665,Robert Hooke made an observation with a microscope designed by himself.He took a good clear piece of cork,and cut a piece of it off.Then he examined it with his microscope and observed that there were little holes on it.To make the observation clearer,he focused the light on the specimen with a plano-convex glass.This time the holes appeared like a honey-comb,but that the holes were not regular.It was how the fast microscopic cell discovered.

回答 (1)

2007-09-16 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) 因為cell 裏有cytoplasm, 有很多organelle, 不是一個hold, Hooke見唔到dd東西, 因為cell未被染色.

b) 增加了a plano-convex glass, 可以提高了放大倍數, 所以看東西會更清楚

c) eyepiece and object lens

d) chloroplast, big vacuole, cell wall

e) 越先進的microscope, 越讓我們了解cell的構造, 可以看到更多organelle

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