
2007-09-15 5:04 pm
acer呢d垃圾牌子機可唔可以插唔同牌子的ran??佢原本比左一隻ran你的 可唔可以 出去買返 同一樣的速 同一樣ddr 同一樣東西 就係唔同牌子的ran 又或者唔要本身戈條ran 插條同一樣東西 但係唔同牌子的ran (唉...買左e個垃圾機好後悔.戈時唔識野就係咁買左=.=得戈256ran點打到機-.-)

回答 (2)

2007-09-15 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You CAN check what type of RAM your rubbish PC could support and then go to buy 1GB of related RAM and install to your PC. Remove the old RAM chips of your PC would make better and the old one is quite a low speed one.

If the RAM chips of your rubbish PC is SDRAM, better to buy a new PC. Don't waste money on upgrading PC with SDRAM.
2007-09-15 10:34 pm

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