runescape lobster 係邊catch(10分)

2007-09-15 5:50 am
runescape lobster 係邊catch 同要d咩來捉 同要d咩來捉

回答 (5)

2007-09-15 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
lobster係Musa Point到catch!如果你唔知係邊,open World map,find Musa Point就OK啦
去Musa Point,首先要到Falador下方的Port Sarim,在碼頭上和水手talk,give水手30coins
lobstor,去番碼頭,give水手30coins佢就會送你去番Musa Point
lobster要use lobstor cage來捉,lobstor cage可以係Port Sarim的釣魚shop到buy,each20-25coins

記得要有85coins!25coins for lobstor cage,and 60coins for the 水手

2007-09-15 16:49:50 補充:
參考: me
2007-09-18 2:14 am
it is in ur asshole or penis or nipple
參考: ue asshole
2007-09-16 5:38 am
To catch lobster, first you must have lvl 40 fishing lvl. When your fishing lvl reach 40, then go to south of Falador, the place you need to go is Port Sarim (check on the world map if u don't understand). At Port Sarim, you will see a shop which sells fishing things, go there and buy a lobster pot that only costs a few gps. Remember to bring at least 90 gp with you because you need it to pay for your fare to karamja. After you arrived there, check the world map and find Musa Point, not far from there you will see many fishing spot's, and you can fish lobsters there.

2007-09-17 19:30:02 補充:
Frucker123, looks like u copied me.....
2007-09-16 12:30 am
go to port(check your world map la,near draynor villege )you ll see a fishing store,go and buy 1 lobster pot.karamja is not a member,you only need to pay 30 gp each time to the people who dress in blue,he ll take you to can fish lobster there.(if you finish the quesat Dragon slayer,you can go crandor from there.

2007-09-15 16:31:24 補充:
lvl 40 to catch lobs!!!
參考: me
2007-09-15 8:11 pm
you can go the one near the fally island'
and u can go to wildy about 36 lv near the water
u can fish there it no need to pay but u must take lob pot
and u becareful becasue it is wildy~~
u can ask me in e-mail or in runescape
my name in there is
參考: me

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