
2007-09-15 4:48 am

回答 (1)

2007-09-15 6:02 am
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Mr. Tung Kwok & the wolf (東郭先生和狼):
Once upon a time, there was an old man named Mr. Tung Kwok. One day, when Tung Kwok was on the way, a wounded (受傷的) wolf appeared (出現). The wolf appealed (請求) the old man to rescue (營救) as it was being chased by some hunters (獵人). Out of sympathy (同情心), Tung Kwok put the wolf inside his bag.
By this time, a team of hunters came. They asked Tung Kwok whether he saw a wolf or not. The old man lied (撒謊) that he did not. The hunters believed and left then.
" They have already gone. " Tung Kwok whispered (俏聲說).
" Good! Let me go out right away (立刻). I can ' t breathe. " replied by the wolf.
Tung Kwok opened the bag and let the wolf go out.
" What a suffering (受苦) to hide inside this little bag! " The wolf complained (投訴). " Hey, old man. You should do me a favour (幫忙) again. By now, I am very hungry. "
" So...... " Tung Kwok felt something improperly (不妥當地).
" So, I wanna eat you as my lunch. " The wolf walked closed to the old man with sharp teeth showing.
While the situation (處境) came to a deadlock (僵持), a young man passed by (經過). Tung Kwok asked for help. He told the young man how ungrateful (忘恩負義) of the wolf treated him.
Not even a panic (不慌不忙), the young man requested (要求) to know the whole case before he could make a fair judgement (判決).
" Wolf. Can you get into the bag so as to replay (重演) the scenario (局面)? Actually, I am not quite understanding. " The young man said to the wolf.
" Sure! Show time. " The wolf further jumped into the bag then. All at once (馬上), the young man closed the bag tightly.
" My buddy (老友記), old man. You are save now. But, to be kind or to be cruel, it depends (視乎情況). Sometimes, woman ' s soft nature (婦人之仁) can be a harm (危害) " . The young man explained.

2007-09-14 23:22:35 補充:
Revision (修訂):" So...... " Tung Kwok felt something improper (不妥當的).註: feel 之後,應該是形容詞。

2007-09-14 23:25:56 補充:
Typo error (打錯): “ So, I wanna eat you as my lunch. ” The wolf walked closely ......註: 用 closely 副詞。

2007-09-17 19:59:55 補充:
Tks for the appreciation & adoption in person by v v v n ! It is an interesting story with a meaningful moral (寓意). Impressive! It was taught probably in F.1.
參考: 個人意譯

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