如果想問人係公司是做什麼職位, 應該點開口 ?

2007-09-15 1:28 am
想問得有禮貌一點, 因為怕會問到一d比較 junior 級的人, 佢會對我有誤會, 以為我看不起他

回答 (2)

2007-09-15 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果想問人係公司是做什麼職位, 最好係連帶姓名一起問, 會比較自然和合理一點, 例如:

May I have your name?

有無 initial (姓名的首字母, 多數指英文名, 如Peter, Amy 等)?
Any initial?
[因為如果對方係大姓, 你要响嗰間公司找很久才找得到他.]

是什麼職銜? 我要記低做記錄
What's your position / title? I need it for the record.
參考: myself
2007-09-15 1:39 am
What are you working as?
What is your post?

Actually i think you think too much, it is not the way the question you ask, i am sure no matter who you ask they will also willing to tell you. Just that is the way how you react after knowing the anwer. It will make that person to get misunderstand you or not.

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