
2007-09-15 12:46 am
本人是女, 28歲, 我現在面對兩難的感情局面, 希望得到大家的寶貴意見!

28歲, 外表英俊, 為人正直聰明, 對感情認真及專一, 有情趣及品味, 性格較理性及冷靜, 有主見及處事有計劃, 有上進心但收入不高.

33歲, 外形醜陋, 心地善良但不聰明, 是一名專一的痴情漢, 對所愛的人唯命是從, 做事沒有主見, 性格木訥且不懂情趣, 但有不錯的經濟收入及擁有物業.

如果是你, 你會選誰一起?

回答 (7)

2007-09-15 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
你應該選擇你所愛的那一個。如果你兩個都不是很愛,只是因為自己的年齡關係而必需在兩個男人選擇其一,那你選一個你比較喜歡的, 我不相信你對兩個的感情是一樣吧, 總會有一個比較喜歡。

情人眼裡出西施,外形只是世俗的眼光。其實你有否想過自己要的是什麼?你希望要一個結婚對像還是情人? 若你只是想在兩個男人選一個結婚對像,你要清楚知道那一個是想與你結婚的人。如果你只是想選情人, 那就不必想太多,選一個你跟他一起會較開心的就可以。



希望你能夠用時間與兩位男人好好了解才作決定吧。感情事, 不需過急作決定的。
2007-09-15 4:08 am
2007-09-15 1:29 am
Nowadys is that all the girls also like that?? Have to choose between one another??
I think the most important thing is who treat you well.
Or i should say you are just choosing someone you like, or someone treat you good.

Well, from here i can guess that you like A more than B, if you choose B i guess is because of money, most properly.

Standing in your shoes i might choose A, because he may has the potential, although he is no rich now, but no one knows what will happen in the future. Whether he can make it or not i think you have to decide by yourself, because we don't know much about him. If you choose B you may have a stable life, in the other hand, choosing A maybe a gamble for you, its depends on what kind of life you want.

It will be a long paragraph if have to analyse them further. Instead of analyse them, i think we should turn the focus on you. For your attitude, i suggest that A is more suitable for you. I guess somehow there's already have an anwer in your heart, then face it. Don't make the other one fall deep in love with you then you abandon him. It is hurting.

Choose one and stay loyal to him. Don't be double minded anymore.
No matter who you choose, wish you all the best, and i will pity the rest.
There's sure someone will be hurt if both of them do like you.

*Apologise if did any offense
Didn't say much though, hope can enlighten you

2007-09-14 17:34:01 補充:
Actually tobylam_06 and the person below her also is something that i want to say...But if i have to say all those it will be damn long....so they filled up the gap as well...I am sure here has many advise for you....Take them and think through it....
參考: No one can change your mind actually, if u want A, and we ask you to take B, u will take A in the end still.
2007-09-15 1:15 am
A,首先,佢個年齡同你幾甲,第二,佢又對感情專一, 性格好好,同埋有上進心,所有野都好過男子B

2007-09-15 1:00 am


妳不坊考慮清楚,最終都係要自己選擇 *=*
2007-09-15 12:56 am
男仔A la... 因為佢無錢可以變有
參考: 我覺得
2007-09-15 12:51 am

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