Window XP 既電腦入面係咪有有個叫 { Windows 防火牆 } ?

2007-09-14 11:37 pm

Window XP 既電腦入面係咪有有個叫 { Windows 防火牆 } ?
如果有 ` 可以係邊度禁佢出黎 ?


點將 d 野放入允許清單 ?

回答 (5)

2007-09-15 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
R CLICK 開始,指向連線到時( T ),再點選顯示所有連線( S ),開啟後,在其中一個連線R CLICK 點選內容,再點選進階,就會開啟Windows 防火牆,所有問題都可以在這裡找到.
2007-09-15 3:14 am
2007-09-15 2:03 am
Description of Internet Connection Firewall
Internet Connection Firewall is software that you can use to set restrictions on the information that is communicated between your home or small office network and the Internet.

If your network uses Internet Connection Sharing to provide Internet access to multiple computers, it is a good idea to turn on Internet Connection Firewall on the shared Internet connection. However, you can turn on Internet Connection Sharing and Internet Connection Firewall separately. It is a good idea to turn on Internet Connection Firewall on the Internet connection on any Microsoft Windows XP-based computer that is connected directly to the Internet.

Internet Connection Firewall can also help protect a single computer that is connected to the Internet. If you have a single computer that is connected to the Internet with a cable modem, a DSL modem, or a dial-up modem, Internet Connection Firewall helps protect your Internet connection. Do not turn on Internet Connection Firewall for virtual private network (VPN) connections because Internet Connection Firewall interferes with file sharing and other VPN functions.

How Internet Connection Firewall works
Internet Connection Firewall is a "stateful" firewall. A stateful firewall is one that monitors all aspects of the communications that cross its path and examines the source and the destination address of each message that the firewall handles. To prevent unsolicited traffic from the public side of the connection from entering the private side, Internet Connection Firewall keeps a table of all the communications that have originated from the computer that is running Internet Connection Firewall. For a single computer, Internet Connection Firewall tracks traffic that originates from the computer. If you use Internet Connection Firewall in conjunction with Internet Connection Sharing, Internet Connection Firewall tracks all the traffic that originates from the computer that is running Internet Connection Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing, and tracks all the traffic that originates from private network computers. Internet Connection Firewall compares all inbound traffic from the Internet to the entries in the table. Inbound Internet traffic is permitted to reach the computers in your network only if there is a matching entry in the table that shows that the communication exchange began in your computer or private network.

Communications that originate from a source outside the computer that is running Internet Connection Firewall, such as from the Internet, are dropped by the firewall unless you create an entry on the Services tab to permit passage. Instead of sending you notifications about activity, Internet Connection Firewall silently discards unsolicited communications. This stops common hacking attempts such as port scanning. Such notifications might be sent frequently enough to become a distraction. Instead, Internet Connection Firewall can create a security log so that you can view the activity that is tracked by the firewall.

You can configure services so that unsolicited traffic from the Internet is forwarded by the computer that is running Internet Connection Firewall to the private network. For example, if you are hosting an HTTP Web server service, and you turned on the HTTP service on your computer, unsolicited HTTP traffic is forwarded by the computer that is running Internet Connection Firewall to the HTTP Web server. Internet Connection Firewall requires operational information (known as a service definition) to permit the unsolicited Internet traffic to be forwarded to the Web server on your private network.
2007-09-14 11:47 pm
2007-09-14 11:41 pm

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