
2007-09-14 8:16 pm





是否向銀行借貸,可以给我例子嗎?THANK 公司第一次做L/C,應該點辨手續,要啲什麽資料给銀行,請幫解答THANK

回答 (5)

2007-09-14 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
L/C 是商業信用狀.

簡稱L/C、L.O.C.或credit.指銀行(開狀銀行)(*opening bank)詢顧客(通常為買方)的請求與指示,向第三人(通常為賣方)所簽發的一種文據(instruments)或函件(letter)·
其內容包括申請人名稱、受益人(beneficiary)、發信日期、交易貨物名稱、數量、價格、貿易條件、受益人應開匯票的要求(稱發票條款),押匯時應付之單據、裝運日期、有效期限與開狀銀行給押匯銀行(*negotiating bank)或其他關係人之條款·在該文據或函件中,銀行向第三人承諾,如果該第三人能履行該文據或函件所規定的條件,則該第三人得按所載條件簽發以該行或其指定的另一銀行為付款人的匯票,並由其負兌付的責任·但較特別的是︰

(1)信用狀中也有以買方為匯票付款人,而由開狀銀行負責其兌付的;(2)信用狀的開發雖是基於貿易而生,但也有非基於貿易而開發的,憑這種信用狀簽發的匯票通常多不需附上單證,所謂無跟單信用狀(*clean credit)即是·其他諸如押標保證(*bid bond)、履約保證(*performance bond)、還款保證(repayment bond)等亦以信用狀達成為目的;(3)憑信用狀兌款固然多要求受益人簽發匯票,但也有不需簽發匯票,只須提示收據(receipt)或只需提出規定單證即可兌款的,例如憑收據付款信用狀(*payment on receipt credit)及憑單證付款信用狀(*payment against documents credit)即是·以信用狀作為付款方式,對出口商而言,只要將貨物交運,並提示信用狀所規定的單證,即可獲得開狀銀行的付款擔保,可不必顧慮進口商的失信,押匯銀行也多樂於受理押匯,故信用狀尚能給予出口商在貨物裝運後即可收回貨款的資金融通上的便利·就進口商而言,由於出口商必須按照信用狀條件押領貨款,開狀銀行審核單證完全符合信用狀條件後才予付款,故可預防出口商以假貨、劣貨充數,或以假單證詐領貨款·
2007-09-14 8:34 pm
L/C即Letter of Credit﹐中文就是信用狀。

香港一般公司往往會跟外地之各戶做生意﹐但未必會對此等客戶都熟悉及信賴﹐故此就可能要求對方通知客戶之相熟銀行發出L/C﹐其實L/C即是銀行發出之promisory note﹐只要該公司於L/C有效期內執行該L/C之指定條款﹐銀行便需要付款﹐這是L/C之基本作用。 但L/C之分類煩多﹐而且定下之條款可以十分繁複﹐需要極高經驗之人仕才能處理得好﹐所以除了某些行業外(例如建築﹐物料供應等)﹐其實很多公司都不大喜歡客戶以此方式付款。
2007-09-14 8:25 pm
L/C是信用狀, 是經銀行托收出口貨款既工具.
2007-09-14 8:24 pm
L/C 是 Letter of Credit, 是 用來同銀行借錢的文件. 證明甲如果收到乙的貨一定會俾錢.

1, A letter of credit is a document issued mostly by a financial institution which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking (it can also be revocable, confirmed, unconfirmed, transferable or others e.g. back to back: revolving but is most commonly irrevocable/confirmed) to a beneficiary against complying documents as stated in the credit.
2. The LC can also be the source of payment for a transaction, meaning that an exporter will get paid by redeeming the letter of credit. Letters of credit are used nowadays primarily in international trade transactions of significant value, for deals between a supplier in one country and a wholesale customer in another. They are also used in the land development process to ensure that approved public facilities (streets, sidewalks, stormwater ponds, etc.) will be built. The parties to a letter of credit are usually a beneficiary who is to receive the money, the issuing bank of whom the applicant is a client, and the advising bank of whom the beneficiary is a client. Since nowadays almost all letters of credit are irrevocable, (i.e. cannot be amended or cancelled without prior agreement of the beneficiary, the issuing bank and the confirming bank, if any).
3. Although the irrevocable LC is a commitments, the amount of outstanding LC would not require to make any accounting entries. The reason is that the money will ONLY be paid to the beneficiary if the documents and the terms and conditions of the LC are met. Therefore, the applicants (importer) does not has any liability to be booked. However, if the importer's banker pays the exporter's banker, the amount of LC and interest for the amount drawn needed to be booked.

See the reference link below, there is an example to show the transaction.
2007-09-14 8:22 pm
L/C =Letter of Credit (信用狀):



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