第一次去多倫多讀書....要帶手提電腦....但過重...點算 !

2007-09-14 9:39 am
但過重...有冇方法解決 ?

同埋我隨左帶手提行理上機外.....我仲可唔可以帶一個隨身既鈄"咩"袋上機 ?

回答 (4)

2007-09-14 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hand carry the Notebook, and put all the things to your lugguages.
Actually, you don't have to bring too much things to Toronto, because you can buy anything from there, they have big school sales on Walmart, Home Depot, Staples, Malls, shopping centre and outlets. If you bring too much, you will think you are silly later on because you can buy evrything in Toronto ar...
No need to bring too much ar...trust me.
參考: I am from Toronto.
2007-09-15 7:29 am
Ronald 呀, 你嚟讀書啫, 帶咁多嘢做乜鬼呀, 呢度乜都有得賣, 帶住部腦响身, 其它寄倉囉. 冬天衫呢度買, 唔好帶埋啲乜嘢棉襖, 唔惦咖, 凍死都有份.
2007-09-14 11:42 am
將非緊迫的物品, 如書本、衣服或次要的物件, 經香港郵政局, 海郵至加拿大, 由於接近聖誕節, 往往視為 “聖誕禮物”看待。不會另行徵收稅項。
如果不是旅遊季節期間, 而且, 不影響其他旅客的話, 閣下手提行李多少少, 一般而言, 機員都會 “隻眼開隻眼閉”。
希望以上的方法, 可以幫到你。
參考: 加拿大公民, 居住多倫多。
2007-09-14 10:59 am

電腦最好同埋你隨身行理上機.....if not checking too tight in the airport,,可以帶一個隨身既鈄"咩"袋上機,

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