
2007-09-14 5:58 am
有時在畫面右下方有二把劍,what are they?

回答 (2)

2007-09-14 4:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果旁邊有兩把劍交叉, 表現那裡是multi-combat zone, 簡單黎講就是可以圍毆(或被圍毆)既地方...

如果嚮multi-combat zone一齊打怪或者pk, 邊個扣得血多就先見到佢drop既野...

wildy都有multi-combat zone, hi-lvl都隨時俾幾個lo-lvl圍殺...
2007-09-17 6:05 am
Player Killing also called ‘Pking’ is fighting in the wilderness against other players to win their armour and stuff they wear. Pking is a very good way to earn much money but you can also lose all your stuff in the wilderness.


2. The wilderness
The wilderness is an area in the north of runescape. In this area are different kinds of wilderness levels. These levels decide which other level players you can attack.
For example: A level 77 player in wilderness level 1 can attack a level 76,77 or 78 player but if he goes into level 2 wilderness he can be attacked by players with level 75,76,77,78,79 and so on. The higher you get into the wilderness, the more players can attack you.
To check in which wilderness level you are just look at this sign that will appear on the right side.
This sign looks like this:

3. Combat zones
There are two different combat zones, a non multi combat zone and a multi combat zone. In the non multi combat zone you can only fight 1 versus 1. And in the multi combat zone you can fight whole battles with many people at the same time. If you want to know in which combat zone you are just look in the bottom-right corner of the screen. The crossed swords mean that you are in a multi combat zone and if there are no crossed swords that means that you are in a non multi combat zone.

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