
2007-09-14 5:31 am

回答 (5)

2007-09-14 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Owing to some unexpected / emergency events (真係要好緊急好緊急果o的先好用emergency) have been come up now, I would like to postpone today's reservation to the same time and place next week.

2007-09-13 23:54:08 補充:
Owing to some unexpected / emergency events (真係要好緊急好緊急果o的先好用emergency) have been come up now, I would like to postpone today’s reservation to the same time and place next week. 由於一些意外 / 緊急; 突發事情出現,我希望將今天的預約延遲至下星期的同樣時間及地點。希望幫到你啦~^^
2007-09-14 3:33 pm


Relevant today it reserve, because of oneself have urgent matter to need an instant processing suddenly, so agree on at first of time need to be canceled.
Hope to change to a next week same place and time now,


廿一世紀的翻譯社 - 譯言堂


2007-09-14 6:26 am
Regard to the appointment today, due to the personal reason, I am sorry to inform
the cancellation of today appointment .
It will be fixed to next week . The time and venue are same as the original schedule
參考: self
2007-09-14 5:47 am
Concerning the appointment tomorrow, because of an emergency problem that needed to be dued with immediately, may i offer you my deep apology that i cannot make the time tomorrow, and if possible i would like the appointment to be the next week keeping the time and place unchanged.

i am trying to make it formal but it'd up to you if you want that to be more formal or whatsoever
參考: me
2007-09-14 5:42 am
About today's appointment:
Since I have some urgent matters to deal with, I have to postpone today's appointment to the following week at the same place and time.

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