
2007-09-14 3:59 am
求商店sings.......例:you mustn't smoke here.' (要+中文解色)

e個答案不可copy!  只少『5』 個!!!!!!

because 難!so 20點,thx!!!!!

回答 (5)

2007-09-14 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't speak loudly!(請勿大聲談話)

Don't eat or drink!(請勿飲食)

Just looking,don't touch!!(眼看手勿動)

Care of your property!(小心保管財物)

Cann't try!(不設試用)
參考: me~I hope that I can help you~^^
2016-12-16 6:14 pm
2007-09-15 12:13 am
- No food or drinks
- Please refrain from eating or drinking
- Thank you for not eating or drinking

- No smoking
- Please refrain from smoking
- Thank you for not smoking

- Shoplifters will be prosecuted

高買是種罪行, 違法者會被檢控
- Shoplifting is an offence, offenders will be prosecuted

- Mind the step

對不起, 不收信用卡
- Sorry, no credit

對不起, 不收支票
- Sorry, no cheques accepted

對不起, 只收現金
- Sorry, cash only

- No entry

- Staff only

- No cash kept on premises

此店裝有監視/ 防盗系統
- This shop is (These premises are) under constant video surveillance (錄影監視)
- Warning: These premises are protected by electronic surveillance

- No pets allowed

(减價貨品) 不設退换或退款
- No refunds or exchanges (on sales items)

- Pleaes queue here

請叫我們幫助你 (meaning: eg 未經許可請勿打開)
- Please ask for assistance

進入的條件: 離開此店時 要出示所有袋作檢查
- Conditions of Entry: It is a condition of entry that all bags are to be presented for inspection when leaving this store.

除了飾品是9折外, 所有貨品照價8折
- All our stock are twenty percent off the marked price, except for the accessories, they are 10% off.

see also: http://www.shopforshops.com/www/61/1001127/displayproductcategory/1001708%2ehtml
參考: myself & www.shopforshops.com
2007-09-14 4:45 am
Shop lifters will be prosecuted!(高買者會被檢控)

No food or drinks! (請勿飲食)

Beware of pick-pockets! (提防小手)

Please take care of the children!(小心照顧小孩)

No fitting!(不設試身)
2007-09-14 4:43 am
No pets allowed! (寵物不准入内!)

Please do not eat or drink in the premises! (不准饮食!)

Please do not take photos! (不准拍照!)

No refund or exchange on sale items. (减价货品不设退换.)

Please line up here. (清在这儿排队.)

No entry except authorized staff.(除员工以外,不准入内.)

Maximum five items allowed. (每次最多可试五件.)

This shop has been armed with anti-theft alarms. (这店已安装防盗系统.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:28:11
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