Why the snow melting but the temperature rises?

2007-09-14 3:45 am
quickly please.thanks

回答 (2)

2007-09-14 6:41 am
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英文冇方法打到o甘多字,唯有簡短D(我d grammar冇錯,勿疑)

When ICE melt without a temperature change, it has to encounter the molecular joint force of a solid by absorbing the amount of the latent heat.
So , It needs to absord heat energy from the surrounding for this process.
The heat energy lost from the air to the ice will result in a temperature drop.

But , how can snow continue to smelt and force the temperature to drop
by facing the problem of heat source? Boz once the air tempature is lower than
the snow, the snow will stop smelting.How can it smelt further to absorb the heat from the air?

In microscopic view , the temperature is very unevenly dispersed in molecules
as we can explain a more vigorous vibration of a molecule as the source of HOTTER , and a less one as the source of COLDER . In a certain unit of water , which contains numberous water molecules .Each water molecule shares very different magnitude of kinetic energy from each other . that means , in a certain unit of water , both vigorous exothermic and endothermic are processing in the same unit of water by different molecules. When the HOTTER molecules begin to transfer to liquid forms
Its energy is devoted to breaking the solid molecular joint force and fail to release heat energy to the air to balance the COLDER molecules' endothermic reaction to the air.
So , the temperture of the air will drop.

To burst this phenomenun , Sunlight plays a significant role as an initiator.
Boz it can heat up the snow and initiate this imbalancing force of exothermic and endothermic by radiation without heating up the air. As same certain mass of air is much less denser and much slightly absorb radiation.

Also , when snow water are release , it disperse on the ground and increase the surface area exposed to air of the certain mass of water , it take contribution for vapouration which is a significant endothermic reaction

Specific heat capacity of H2O: 4200Joule/celsius degree kilogram
specific latent heat of vapouration of H2O:2272Joule/kilogram
specific latent heat of fusion of H2O:334Joule/kilogram

Specific heat capactity of AIR:1000Joule/celsius degree kilogram
DENSITY of AIR : 0.00129gram /cubed centimetre

2007-09-13 22:46:03 補充:
第十四句, "the temperature"應該改做"temperature"grammar問題

2007-09-13 22:48:02 補充:
最尾果段d grammar錯到七彩,我要道歉
參考: 我是Nankie哦
2007-09-14 4:47 am

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