
2007-09-13 8:15 pm
由於我好鐘意LV最新出個大袋, 同埋香港所有專門店都無哂貨, 所以我去左d水貨店.........去左米蘭站, 大size就要$6900, 中size要$6790, 實在太貴啦, 所以我無買!!! 有一日, 我行經尖沙咀新港中心, 見到有間賣LV, GUCCI等既水貨店, 間野叫做168 Limited, 咁我入去問下, 個負責人話無哂貨, 不過有同事會過去歐洲買貨, 到時會幫我揾唔揾到, 隔左大約三個星期度, 個負責人打電話比我, 話有貨, 中size, 同埋价錢$4850, 跟專門店一樣!!!

我想問 :
1) 有無人知道呢間168 Limited賣既袋是否真貨?????
2) 因為宜家d A貨仿真度極高, 我點樣先確實分到真假呢????
3) 出面好多水貨店賣呢個袋至少都要$6800, 而168 Llimited就跟專門店價錢一樣, 是否有問題呢????

因為呢d疑問, 所以我唔知買唔買好, 請大家幫幫忙!!!

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
九龍灣淘大商場三樓 , 鞋鋪對面 , 果度買既袋係全部係賣真貨 , 有單 , 有盒 , 連塵袋 !
幾舊既款都有得買 , 有幾多牌子 , 有旅行袋 , 銀包 , 細袋 , 中袋 , 大袋 , 腰包 , 仲知有好多款 , 係度講唔哂 , 你自己去梯吓吖 !
我今年5月先係果度買佐個polo綠色格仔銀包 , 買佐 $ 330 !
參考: 本人
2007-09-14 3:49 am
1)i just go and have a look, the lv products that i saw was real, but i was not sure about other brand.
2)you can ask some of your friend to go with you and you can also take the bag to the lv store and ask for help.
3)if they brought it from europe, mostly the mark price overthere will be 10% cheaper than hk and tourist they will have about 13% detax , so even they mark the price same as hk lv store, they still got profit.

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