
2007-09-13 8:23 am
唔知點解有幾次當我將部pc閒置左大約30~60分鐘到, 佢自動重新開機喎.. 話咩從意外中修復... 咩意外我又搵唔到喎

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is a system problem, please check the event log in your windows. If your windows was restarted suddenly, it always occurs in your harddisk, maybe your harddisk has bad blocks. If yes, I suggest you to backup the data files and to replace a new harddisk for safety.

Remark: "Format Disk" is a way to solve the problem temporary, because the bad blocks will be marked during formatting. It is not a long term solution. Please take care!
2007-09-13 9:00 am
曾經我都試過, 不過最後為安全起見都係format 部機再裝過..

有 d 人話係某d program 同window 有衝突
有 d 人話中左病毒..


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