2007-09-13 7:55 am
I want to ask where is the pollution come from and what should we do with it??

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Air pollution problem in HK can be categorized as two kind, Road Side Pollution and Regional Pollution. They came from different sources.

For road side pollution, the two power company and the automobile on the road are the major sources. In fact they account for most of the serious polluted days in HK.

For regional pollution, some of them came from China. But this depends on wind direction and are more serious during winter.

There are several campaign organized by the Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong. You may take a look at it.
2007-09-13 8:13 am
The pollution comes from the exhaust fumes of the vehicles and the pollutants from power stations. The simplest method is to use less, i.e. take MTR or bus instead of private cars whenever possible and consume less electricity.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:26:59
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