
2007-09-13 6:55 am

2:However,I must remind you that earning lots of money is not everything.All these benefits are in rhost-term only.


回答 (5)

2007-09-13 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. People 後唔需要s因為people本身已經係plural(person的複數)

2. 就咁睇grammar上就冇乜問題,但讀落去好似有少少怪怪地.
however, i must remind you that not everything is about earning money. All these benefits are only in rhost-term.

參考: 自己
2007-09-14 2:20 am
1. If you are talking about 不同的種族, then people 後可以加 s

2. I think your sentence should be:

"However,I must remind you that earning lots of money is not everything.All these benefits are in short-term only.

I would rewrite the sentence as:

"I must remind you that earning lots of money is not everything, all these benefits are in short-term only."

The grammer problem should be in the use of "However".
2007-09-13 4:46 pm

2-- 如果你告訴我點解你覺得係錯,我可以解釋。但係這果句子係無錯的。

2007-09-13 08:48:42 補充:
2007-09-13 8:54 am
(1) people後面果個字係咪唔應該+s?
The word PEOPLE is in plural form. So, 唔應該+s. For example: In general, HK people are very nice and friendly.

(2) However,I must remind you that earning lots of money is not everything.All these benefits are in rhost-term only.
第一句, 我都建議個 lot 字無 s, because money 係數唔到. 第二句, OK, rhost-term => short-term?? 如果要配合前句, 可以改成 It is because this benefit is in short-term only. 但如果, benefits 指除了money, 重有幾樣的話呢, 基本上, 我覺得OK.
2007-09-13 7:14 am
1) People 不一定不能加 s ..... 那麼 , 在什麼時候可以加呢?

就是當句子描述了那班 people 是有不同種族的時候 , 就可以是 peoples.

2) 首先不好意思 , 我不懂什麼叫做 rhost-term , 所以很難 comment 有什麼錯 ,

我諗, 應該 earning lots of money 改為 earning lot of money

因為 lot 的意思己經是很多的意思了 , 己經是 plural , 除非 money 是
classify 為很多不同類別的 money, 但英語慣用語時 , 都是用 lot of

其他的 , 或等其他高人指教

2007-09-17 17:58:37 補充:
現在我知道是 short-term 的意思, 我想句子不該這樣口語化了.... 我想該寫為 :2. However, I must remind you that earning lot of money is not everything. This is short-term benefit only. 我想 , short-term 是形容詞 , 後面該有名詞去表達 , 因為 "earning lot of money" 是一個 clause, 所以用 is , 而後面都是呼應前面的 clause, 所以用 this is

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