
2007-09-13 6:06 am
Tenses ............... Give the correct form of the words given :
1. She______________( prepare ) a lot of food soon.
2. Peter_____________( be ) my best friend for four years.
3. Two years ago , we____________( live ) in that house.
4. I saw the figth. the fat boy_____________( hit ) the thin boy first.
5.Jane____________ (work ) at present.

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.She will prepare a lot of food soon.
2.Peter has been my best friend for four years.
3.Two years ago , we lived in that house.
4.I saw the figth. the fat boy hit the thin boy first.
5.Jane works at present.
參考: Me
2007-09-13 6:12 am
1. She______is going to prepare/ will prepare________( prepare ) a lot of food soon.

2. Peter____has been_____( be ) my best friend for four years.

3. Two years ago , we_______lived_____( live ) in that house.

4. I saw the figth. the fat boy______hit_______( hit ) the thin boy first.

5.Jane______is working______ (work ) at present.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:27:16
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