
2007-09-13 5:11 am

回答 (3)

2007-09-14 12:26 am
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Five articles (文章) for Blog:

1. In the last Summer holidays, I went swimming. I like the kind of sport (運動) very much. Thus (所以), I dated (約會) my classmates to go to the nearby (附近的) swimming pool. It was enjoyable (很享受的) with great fun (樂趣). Also, the exercise (運動) was good to health. It was really (真的) the best way to spend the day in the baking hot (酷熱的) Summer.
2. I took part in the tutorial class (補習班) to study English and Maths. Due to (由於) the poor result in my last session (學年), my parents asked me to take some courses (課程) so as to make improvement (改進). However (不過), it was not so helpful. The teachers only taught (教導) as per (按照) the notes while their teaching methods (方法) were boring (沉悶).
3. I went to the Ocean Park with my whole family. We visited the pandas, Ying Ying and Le Le in the Lowland Gardens (綠野花園). They were cute and lovable (可愛). My sister and I played the Roller Coaster (過山車), Flying Swing (飛天鞦韆), Crazy Galleon (沖天搖擺船) and Ferris Wheel (摩天巨輪) in the Headlands Rides (山上機動城). We watched the show (表演) of dolphins, seals (海豹) and whales (鯨). The family day was great with much excitement (刺激).
4. My father and I went hiking (遠足) in the Lamma Island (南丫島). The air was fresh. The breeze (微風) was pleasant (舒適的). The place was cheerful (怡人的) and peaceful (平和的). The scenery (風景) was beautiful. We had a seafood (海鮮) dinner there. I love the life in the countryside (郊外).
5. By the end of the holidays, I rushed (趕忙) to do my Summer homeworks. Within a week, I finished total 4 jobs including (包括) an English book report, a Chinese book report, a Maths exercise (練習) and an English practice (練習). I wonder if I could be so fast so quick. Anyway (無論如何), I should not behave (行事) as a lazy bone (懶骨頭) like that anymore (不會再如此).

2007-09-13 18:15:29 補充:
To extend (延長) as below. If it still does not reach 200 words, pls elaborate (發揮) on your own.1. I also went to the beach to swim and to have sunbathing. My favourite place was Shek O though it was inconvenient to go. The sand was fine. The water was crystal clear.

2007-09-13 18:25:22 補充:
The sky was particularly blue. As a matter of fact, the people were not as crowded as the Repulse Bay. After the holidays, I find that my height is one and a half inch taller while my figure is slimmer. It should be resulted from lots of swimming during the holidays.

2007-09-13 18:47:04 補充:
2. There were plenty of classworks and homeworks assigned by the tutors. Allegedly (據稱), some extra hints and skills were available in the tutorial lessons, whereas (反而) I did not notice at this point. I tried to finish the assignments though I did not quite understand.

2007-09-13 18:48:18 補充:
I was told by mother that the fees for the courses were expensive. Hence, I was asked to give all the effort to behave. In a certain extent, it was better than nothing to learn as well as to practice. To be honest, I preferred listening to my own teachers in the school.

2007-09-13 23:23:48 補充:
3. The theme park was wonderful. Even this was my third visit, I still commented the experience to be wonderful. We then went to the Marine Land to visit the Shark Aquarium & the Jelly Spectacular. The creatures were marvellous and amazing.

2007-09-13 23:59:32 補充:
Of course, we would not miss the Bird Paradise. We paid a visit to the Flamingoes, Parrots and various kinds of birds. When taking the Cable Car, we had a bird ' s eye view of the park.

2007-09-14 00:00:31 補充:
The scenery beneath was so magnificent. Having heard that there is a re-development of construction in the park so as to......

2007-09-17 20:03:48 補充:
Tks for the support & adoption in person by Alice! Unable to finish the passage as 4000 wordings is the restriction.
參考: My creations (創作)
2007-09-14 3:03 am
2007 Summer Holiday Journal
August 21~25, 2007 Salt Lake City Trip
From August 21 to 25, I went to Utah with my mother. We went there by car. A Japanese friend named Andy Tokuno was driving. His wife Setsuko and his friend Aya came together with us too.
On the way there, I saw a lot of weird stuff like trees growing on rocks, a car pulling a raindrop-shaped trailer, and many, many, more. Then, about half way there, a bird hit our windshield by accident. We drove two days, almost 20 hours. We stopped at a motel to rest.
We stopped at the attractive Snake River Canyon and Twin falls.
We went to the Salt Palace on the next day. I was amazed. It was sssooo big. The USANA festival was celebrating their 15 year anniversary.
I played billiards with some adults. I beat all of them.
We went the Salt Lake on Thursday and tasted the water. It was so salty and the sun was like fire.
I went to a cave on Saturday morning close to the city. Timpanogos Cave National MonumentWell, three caves. The first one was called Hanson cave, one was called the middle cave, and the third, timpanogos cave.
On the last day we heard a speech made by this 75- year old guy climbing Mount Everest. He took USANA everyday and survived. He showed us a lot of pictures. One of them was showing that he was holding USANA flag on the summit of Everest.
We took an airplane back to Vancouver. We stopped at San Francisco first. Looking from over above, the night lights of San Francisco were so beautiful.

August 10, 2007

Today I went to Capilano Suspension Bridge with my mom my friend Soba.

At first we had a picnic at Cleveland Dam close to the suspension bridge. And guess what we saw while we were eating – a DEER!!!
There was also a HUGE dam near the picnic area. We saw a big waterfall that is suppose to make our electric power through a big generator.
After the picnic, we went to the suspension bridge. When we just got on the bridge, it was very wobbly. My mom even tried to take pictures on the wobbliest part of the bridge!! On the other side of the bridge, we found more exciting things, like bridges fastened to small platforms on the tops of trees. It was called treetops adventure. We walked on them!!
2007-09-13 6:34 am

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