求救~英文invitation card R.S.V.P 點解

2007-09-13 3:54 am
英文Invitation card的R.S.V.P呢四個字長寫係咩
例如︰K.T=Kwun Tong

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hope the below helps you:
There are various ways to explain RSVP:
(1) Répondez s'il-vous-plaît" or "Réservez s'il-vous-plaît", a French phrase that translates to "Please respond" or "Please book your place". OR
(2) "Response Shall Verify Presence", an English substitute for the meaning of "R.S.V.P." OR
(3) "Response Solicited for your Valuable Presence", another English substitute for the meaning of "R.S.V.P."
2007-09-14 1:55 am
RSVP 其實係法文, 解作"請告訴我閣下親臨與否". 因為係法文, 所以無必要長寫.

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