
2007-09-13 1:23 am
Can help me to edit this letter to give a better version.;>_<;

Dear Manager

I am a customer of/from your restaurant. My family and I have visit your restaurant on Monday, 12th September 2007. We hae had a great time dining in your restaurant. But after we have left the restaurant and went home, I found out that my younger sister s NDS(GameBoy) is lost.

I am a customer of/from your restaurant.


Reply luciaho One letter is more than 500 words, yahoo don't accept.

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

Dear Manager,

My family and I have visited your restaurant on Monday, 12 September 2007. We had a great time dining in your restaurant. However, after we left and went home, we found that my younger sister's NDS was lost.

We might have left the NDS in your restaurant. Please check if you have found a white GameBoy in a grey case, with 3 pokemon, 1 Harry Potter and 1 Transformer disks in the case.

If you found them, please contact me at 90731761. Your help is deeply appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time and attention. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

your faithfully,

2007-09-13 1:30 am
I am a customer....... My family and I have"visited" your restaurant on Monday, 12th September 2007. We have had a great time in your restaurant. Unfortunately, we found that my younger sister has lost her NDS(Gameboy) after we had gone back home.

2007-09-12 17:31:41 補充:
no any quotaion marks in the word "visited". ^x^

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