may i know how to translate ?

2007-09-13 12:49 am
以前都有來過澳洲, 但SYDNEY呢個地方就係第一次, 我對上一次來澳洲就係今年四月, 不過係去 QUEENSLAND

你有無來過香港 ?

香港最好就係D鋪開到好夜, EVEN 好夜放工, 只要你仲有精神, 你都可以去到 SHOPPING
有d比較旺的地方, 食肆仲會開通霄

Lan Kwai Fong有好多外國人都會去, 果度有pub, bar可以飲酒同跳舞, 可以好 relax. 果度d氣氛都會好d, 如果係撞正節日, 好似 holloween, Christman, new year eve, 果度成條街都會迫滿人, 全條街都好似開緊 party 咁
而家好少去啦, 可能個人老左呀, 去玩完一晚, 跟住幾天都會好慮, 真的要等得多天才可 recover 到


回答 (2)

2007-09-13 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have been to Australia before, but Sydney is my first time. The previous time I was in Australia was this April, and I went to Queensland.
Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
The best about Hong Kong is that shops are open until very late at night. Even if you have to work long hours, you can still go shopping deep in the night as long as you are not overcome by fatigue. In areas with a greater flow of people, restaurants and food shops remain open after midnight.
Many foreigners like to go to Lan Kwai Fong where you can drink and dance in pubs and bars to relax yourself in an enjoyable atmosphere. In such festivals as Halloween, Christmas or New Year's Eve, the streets are jammed with people as if they are having parties there. I seldom go there now. May be I have grown old, a night out would mean tiredness the following days and it would take many more days to recover.
Sad but true that the air is really poor in Hong Kong.
2007-09-13 1:48 am
I have been to Australia before but this is my first time coming to Sydney. Last time I came to Australia was at April. However I went to Queensland.
Have you been to Hong Kong before?
The best thing in Hong Kong is that the shops close late at night. You can go shopping after work if you still have the energy. In some places, the restaurants are open 24/7.
There is a place called Lan Kwai Fong. Lots of foreigners go there for drinks and have fun. There are pubs and bars. It is a relaxing place to be. Especially when Halloween, Christmas and New Year's Eve are on, people are everywhere. It is a great atmosphere as if the street is also having a party.
However I don’t go there that much now. Maybe because I am getting older, i get tired very easily. After partying all night, I feel exhausted for the next few days. I need quite a while to recover.
Unfortunately the pollution in Hong Kong is really bad.
參考: myself.

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