比d rhyming words我,求其一兩個都得

2007-09-12 11:21 pm
我要作一篇英文詩歌,要有rhyming words,比幾個我都得,不過當然越多越好

回答 (2)

2007-09-13 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rhymes (韻腳/押韻):
1. fly, cry, say " Hi! " , decide (決定), dry, tired, aside (旁邊), why, buy, tell lie, survive (生存), precise (準確的), combine (結合), describe (形容), never mind, surprise, remind (提醒), our friendship never dies (消退).
1. My demonstration (示範) for your reference (參考):
Every morning, we say " Hi! " .
To you, I will not tell lies.
U are my best friend to describe.
Even though I am so tired,
Even though I am so sad, wanna cry.
U always be there to stay aside.
I promise that our friendship never dies.
2. flower, Rebecca, charisma (魅力), answer, honour (榮譽), believer (信徒), extra (額外的), quiver (擅抖), centre (中心), tuna (吞拿魚), humour (幽默感), tender (溫柔), river, other, ever and after (從此以後).
2. My demonstration (示範) for your reference (參考)
My dear Rebecca,
U have such a charisma.
Your cheeks are ruddy like tuna.
U spread fragrance (芬芳) like flowers.
Your voice is so sweet, lovable and tender.
I am glad to be your supporter as my honour.
Blessing you to be blissful (幸福的) ever and after.
參考: My creations
2007-09-12 11:29 pm

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