tax enqury~

2007-09-12 8:44 pm
我有以下問題想請教下 :
本人在上年年尾已結婚, 而我一直無通知公司已結婚, 今年報稅時, 填稅單時有通知稅局, 婚姻狀況已變為已婚.

如果我一直唔通知公司已結婚, 公司幫我報果張會否有影響? 同埋, 稅局會否追查我公司關於我既婚姻狀況? 咁對公司有無影響呢?

回答 (2)

2007-09-12 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
今年報稅時, 填稅單時有通知稅局, 婚姻狀況已變為已婚. => you will be entitled to married person allowance under your individual tax file.

如果我一直唔通知公司已結婚, 公司幫我報果張IR 56B will state your marital status as "single". Not much impact on your total employment income reported by your company to 稅局.

稅局會否追查我公司關於我既婚姻狀況? unlikely. Because employment income reported on your individual tax return should match with your company's IR56B

咁對公司有無影響呢? Not much 影響.
2007-09-15 4:58 am
No matter what you report to your company -single or married, the IRD will follow what you submit in your individual tax return -married person and the annual income from your employer.

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